Sir Lord Comic – Jack of my Trade – 1970

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“Like the farmer said to the potato, I’ll plant you now and I’ll eat you later” A classic line from this early reggae tune, and one that has stuck in my mind for many years.

A friend said he had heard a reggae tune called The Whip and suggested I get it. This took some searching, as the song was not called The Whip, but in fact Jack of my Trade! There are lyrics that say the whip and the world a few times, so it’s easy to think this is the title.

This is one of the magic sounds of early reggae, with its hypnotic riff that continues throughout the song. There is no real melody as Sir Lord Comic talks over the music, and his lyrics are certainly entertaining, with his last line being “Tell no one you have seen me, because you are too lucky”. There also references to the bible and singers such as King Stitt and Otis Redding. A more complete story on this song can be found here on Pressure Beat.

I love this song for its wonderful groove and fantastic lyrics. A surefire damn right outa sight reggae riddim. This is also one of the earlier examples of toasting.

Dave Moore


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